Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mooloolaba Trip

Well, the three of us went to Mooloolaba for three nights. It was so fantastic. It was Michael's first holiday with his father and I and he was so good! He loved the pool and just floated around so contented. Babies just know how to be happy don't they? They show every single emotiona as they feel it!. Michael loved the beach (we were afraid he would hate the sand). And I'm proud because I stayed within my points for the four days that I was there, and exercised for at least an hour a day. My husband is also trying to lose weight, so we encourage each other. It was a wonderful holiday becasue my husband was able to really bond with Michael and have some quality time. Here's a pic of myself and Michael. It's kind of flattering since it's underwater!!

It was a magical holiday in many ways. Hubby and I got to spend much needed time together. Moloolaba has always been our place. We always go back to the same apartments. We have had many happy times there. The last time we were there I was pregnant with Michael. I never could have dreamed he'd bring such joy into our lives. I never thought I'd ever feel so much love as I did the day he was born. No one prepares you for that...It was like my heart opened up even more. Sometimes I feel like my heart is overflowing with love. I'm so proud of him all the time and it's so wonderful seeing all the little ways he's changing. At the moment squealing is his favourite thing. And sucking on his toes. I know we're biased but we think he's so clever. In the photo below he is taking his dummy out of his mouth and putting back in. I'm convinced from his cheeky smile that he knows he's clever...

The second night there we had this great full moon. Not the best picture but you get the idea...

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